Comic Nails: the cartoon nails that will win you over!
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If you love comic books, you will definitely go crazy for Comic Nails. These cartoon nails look like they were drawn on paper, find out how to create and wear them!
comic nails will be your new obsession
Everyone has read at least one comic book once in their life, be it black and white or in colour, be it Mickey Mouse or manga. If you appreciate the charm of printed paper, of the imperfect hand-drawn line, of thoughts written in white clouds, you will certainly appreciate Comic Nails. These are the cartoon nails inspired by the very style of comic books, a time travel that takes us back to our childhood, to when we used to wait for each weekly issue at the newsstand instead of moving the icons on our tablet. Their effect is given by a particular arrangement and layering of colours. In this article we will delve into the technique and talk about how to combine this look that infuses joy and fun.

To make the comic effect more realistic, Comic nails are done with matt or buffed finish. The light is drawn with precision brushes on the portion of the nail bed chosen by the nail technician, who decides in which direction she wants to focus the brightness. As far as colours are concerned, there is no limit. You can play with a nice degradé, perhaps to liven up an autumnal outfit, it could be the surprising note of an autumnal day.
Are you too cheerful and lively to succumb to the cold winter temperatures? Do you want to be fashionable without dampening your playful and contagious pop soul? Try this look with cool tones, even better if you achieve a degradé effect. You don't have to exclusively use bright colours, although they are better suited to such a fun manicure. Make use of all nuances, if you want to stay in the palette find out which chromatic season you belong to.
We suggest a reinterpretation of this style suitable for any time of year and any occasion, recreating this nail art in the form of a French manicure. We built the structure with AcrilGel Cipria, then created the smile line with Bliss, a fuchsia gel polish. After curing the layering, we outlined the contour of the smile line and the entire nail with Poison Black gel polish, one of our best sellers. Next, we drew purple shadows with Purple Rain and highlights with Pure White with a precision brush, curing the application. Finally, we applied and cured the transparent sealant Matte Top to opacify the nail design.

This nail art is a treat for those who love the world of drawing and for those who are fascinated by the timeless appeal of two-dimensionality. They are a hymn to childhood, to pop culture, to the talent of cartoonists, an invitation to be in a good mood. By now, the drawing effect is increasingly popular, even in the world of clothing and accessories. You can easily find two-dimensional-looking bags, backpacks and wallets online to complete your comic look to perfection. If you want the full experience, there is even a comic book café in Seoul with a totally two-dimensional interior.
Imagine sitting on one of those little tables that look like they were drawn on paper, drinking a coffee and taking a picture with your Comic nails around the cup... you won't be able to count the likes on your Instagram post anymore!